What's Holding You Back? Quiz

A 10-question quiz for aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs.

Ever feel like there's an invisible wall holding you back in your business? This quick quiz will help you uncover the hidden fear that is sabotaging your success. Take the quiz and unlock your full potential so you can break free and live with purpose!

Create a Life

you Don't Have

to Escape

Start by exploring your passions

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Here’s what you’ll find inside

Unmask Your Hidden Fear

Identify the specific fear that is subconsciously holding you back from achieving your goals. There are six and your nemesis might not be what you think.

Unlock Your Potential

Knowing what's holding you back puts you one step closer to developing the strategies you need to overcome it and unleash your full potential.

Gain Clarity & Confidence

Gain valuable insights and Biblical advice that can empower you to move forward with greater clarity and confidence so you can finally accomplish your goals.

Here’s what you’ll find inside

12 Fresh Ideas

Take the guesswork out of passion discovery. I've included 12 fresh ideas to help you embark on the journey of discovering your passions, so you can stop Googling and start doing.

A four step roadmap to uncovering your passions

This guide includes worksheets and activities to help you through the self-reflection and discovery portions of the roadmap.

5 Day Reignite Your Fire Challenge

It's designed specifically for mothers like you, who deserve a moment to refocus and rediscover their inner spark. Each day, through thoughtfully crafted activities and reflections, you'll dive deep, exploring past joys, current interests, and future aspirations. By the end of the week, not only will you have a clearer understanding of your passions, but you'll also have a roadmap to integrate them into your busy life.

Don't forget to use your coupon code.

Meet Semonna

If you want to stop feeling like you're taking eight steps backwards for every two you take forward in your business only to hit a wall and create a new business next year, then you're in the right place.

I'm Semonna and I'm a believer, reformed people pleaser, chronic side hustler, podcaster, wife and mom of 5. I spent most of my life trying to fit into the many boxes that others assigned to me only to find myself in the middle of an identity crisis in my thirties (more on that later), and I don't want that for you.

Now, I have a heart for helping women find freedom from fear and find their purpose.

©2023 A Mind Unleashed. All rights reserved.

©2023 A Mind Unleashed. All rights reserved.